الموقع الرسمي للدكتور عمار خليل - القاهرة مصر

 how to diagnose polyarteritis nodosa?

Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare type of vasculitis, or inflammation of the blood vessels. It can affect both small and medium-sized arteries, leading to symptoms such as fever, fatigue, weight loss, muscle and joint pain, and skin rashes. To diagnose PAN, a doctor will typically perform a physical examination, take a patient's medical history, and order a variety of tests, including:


Blood tests: to check for anemia, elevated white blood cell count, and signs of inflammation
Imaging tests: such as CT or MRI scans to look for signs of inflammation in the blood vessels
Biopsy: A small sample of the affected tissue is taken and examined under a microscope to look for signs of inflammation in the blood vessels.
Additionally, doctors may also use the American College of Rheumatology's criteria for PAN. The criteria include having at least 3 of the following:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Blood vessel inflammation on a biopsy
  • Elevated sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein
  • Mononeuritis multiplex
  • Nonspecific symptoms such as fever, weight loss, or malaise

It's important to note that PAN can mimic other diseases, and the diagnosis may be difficult. Therefore, a combination of clinical, laboratory, and imaging findings are needed for the proper diagnosis of PAN.

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About Dr. Ammar Khalil

د.عمار خليل : أخصائي أمراض الباطنة العامة ( ماجستير القصر العيني ) وعضو الجمعية المصرية للتعليم الطبي المستمر والجمعية المصرية للسكر ودهنيات الدم، نتابع أمراض الكبد والجهاز الهضمي ، أمراض القلب وضغط الدم
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