معلومة مهمة جداااا
عن حبوب منع الحمل التى تستخدم فى الرضاعة
mechanism باختصار شديد
& السبب
& التعليمات و النصائح للام
ممنوع استخدام اى حبوب تحتوى على
estrogen hormone
لانه يقلل اللبن
Birth control pills usually contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Taking estrogen, which is naturally low when a woman is breastfeeding, can reduce milk production
Progesterone, which increases during breastfeeding, actually boosts
milk production. So a progesterone-only pill (also called the mini pill) is a better choice for nursing moms
حقنة ال 3 شهور تستخدم عادى مع الرضاعة #Depo _Provera
The Depo Provera shot, a progesterone-only injection that you get every three months at your healthcare provider's office, is also perfectly fine for breastfeeding moms
باختصار بيشتغل ازاى progesterone
It works by preventing the release of eggs from the ovaries (ovulation) and changing the cervical mucus and the lining of the uterus
Progestin-only oral contraceptives are a very effective method of birth control.
لازم يتم اخد الاقراص كل يوم فى نفس الميعاد و متواصل لايوجد
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